Creating Mala Meditation Mantras

Creating Mala Meditation Mantras
What is a mantra anyway?
A mantra is a statement, word, or sound that is repeated frequently as a way to focus your attention on your meditation and intentions. Often a mantra is positive affirmation that motivates you to be more conscious and aware of your intentions and desires.
Now let's try try to create a mantra that feels like it was made just for you! The most important thing is to find what is most in alignment with you and your energy, and what works best for you, so if this exercise does not work for you, don't sweat it! This can be a fairly quick exercise, however I do offer workshops that go further into depth with this exercise with you, if you are looking for more guidance.
Creating Your Mantra
My favourite way to create a mantra is to journal and brainstorm. I mean, this is my favourite way to start anything, but it is super effective for this purpose as well.
It helps to clear your head before this exercise. I might suggest going for a walk, sitting outside, or doing something you love before you begin.
I start off with picking the mala I would like to meditate with, holding it in my hands, closing my eyes, and taking several deep breaths. What comes to mind? What do I feel? I start to write down in my journal what immediately comes to mind while I hold my mala.
Now I take a minute to check in with myself and my body. How I am feeling? Am I stressed? Am I tired? Am I happy? Am I excited? Am I overwhelmed? Am I underwhelmed? How does my body feel? Do I have any aches? Am I relaxed? What do I need more of? What do I need less of? What would I like to attract in my life? What do I want to create in my life? I write it all down.
The next step may already be in mind from the last step; What are my desires, needs, how I want to feel, and what I might need to do to get there (check back often for intention setting and goal setting workshop events for some guidance with this). What would I like the intentions of my day, week, month, and/or year to be? Again, writing this all down.
Then I start to consider what the healing energies of my mala already are, from the natural healing properties of the gemstones it is made with, and I begin to write down notes about the healing abilities at my fingertips.
If you are drawing a blank on any of this, or would like to fully utilize the healing power of the beads your mala is made with, do some extra research on the gemstone/s your mala is made of if you are not aware of its properties, and begin to take notes of the healing abilities it possesses that you are drawn to.
Once I feel I have enough notes and am starting to see some trends, I start to pair down my thoughts to either a paragraph, or a sentence if my notes are already in alignment.
Let's work with an example for the next steps.
I am going to focus on an example that helps you get through a current situation, rather than an example of attracting or creating something new. There are further examples below for creating new outcomes and attracting new things in your life.
For the purposes of this example, say I am going through a tough time at work. I am stressed, overworked, overloaded, feeling helpless, not feeling like anyone understands, and feeling like I cannot get through the weeks events. My notes and thoughts will likely focus on this.
Also, I have a hematite necklace I would like to utilize, which is a very calming stone that is known for aiding in stress relief, and helping to ground you.
From my notes, I may get a rough paragraph something along these lines:
I am feeling weak and need strength. I need to relax. I want to be calm and not anxious and overwhelmed. I need to remove stress. I am capable of getting through this. This project is almost over. No one is helping me. I know how to execute this project. I have the knowledge to do this job. I am very capable of my job.
Now analyze your new paragraph. Look for areas that are things you need to release, and look for areas that you can affirm. From your notes, you want to create something clear and concise, that is always in a positive nature.
For example, your paragraph could be summarized to:
I release all judgements of myself and my abilities. I am stronger than my circumstances. I am confident that I have the power, knowledge, and ability to have a successful week. I release all stress, and welcome a calm and relaxing environment. I am at ease.
This is great because you are releasing all the feelings that are blocking you, and affirming that you are strong and powerful. This is your fully defined mantra.
Now, the only 'problem' is that this is FAR too long to repeat 108 times (Ha!). So let's pair it down even more.
If you plan to spend a longer time meditating, you could use:
I am strong, confident, successful, and at ease.
OR if you have a short amount of time, you could use:
I am STRONG. OR I am at ease.
(Whichever you feel is more necessary to focus on.)
Although you have summarized your mantra and intentions to be very short, you know that each time you say "I AM STRONG" that it has a much larger meaning and power behind it. Every time you say "I AM STRONG", you have the power of your full mantra behind it.
I like to keep my notebook beside me before I begin my mala meditation to read my fully defined mantra (out loud if the situation permits), and really focus on my intentions for a moment while I begin my breathing exercises. Then when I begin my mala meditation, I can use my newly defined mantra ("I am strong") throughout the remainder of my meditation so that it flows more smoothly and quickly.
Now begin meditating with your mala!
*This process is something that you can repeat as many times as you like / as is necessary. Your desires and intentions will likely continually evolve and change as time and circumstance do, as should your mantra. Often I will use a different mantra each day of the week, or at different times of the day. Find what works for you, and keep at it.
Customizing your mantra to manifest new outcomes and desires
You can customize this exercise, and your mantra, to focus on something current and situational as in the previous example, as well as for manifesting your desires and creating new outcomes.
The power of attention and awareness are crucial to attracting and creating situations and outcomes that you desire. What are your desires in life? What outcomes are you hoping for? What would you like to attract into your life? Would you like a career that is more in alignment with your passions? Would you like more time for your passions?
Use the same process that you did in the previous example, and focus on your desires, and what you would like to create or attract in your life.
Some examples of things you might desire, want to feel, or want to create:
NOW, turn these into positive affirmations that can be used as a mantra (or use as is). Here are some examples of positive affirmations that might come from some of the examples above:
"I am happy, healthy and wealthy."
"Making new like-minded friends comes easily to me."
"I enjoy the adventure and excitement in my life."
"My career is fulfilling and provides me with an abundance of wealth."
Each of these is an example of a positive affirmation that you can use as a mantra. Each of these can also be paired down even further if you wish.
Again, if this exercise does not work for you, don't sweat it!
Every person has different energy, different desires, and different ways to be in alignment with their highest path. There is nothing wrong with trial and error. Feel free to reach out to me for some tips, or to book a one on one workshop with me. I offer one on one sessions as well as my workshop events.
Let's dig a little deeper for a second; Why should I create a mantra?
In a world where being overworked, stressed, and exhausted appear to a status symbol of success, we often find ourselves living a life that has us not only tired and unhappy, but also 'too busy' to focus on manifesting our true desires and intentions in life.. which can leave us unfulfilled. We also often 'forget' about the most important aspects of our life and our deepest desires, such as our health and happiness, when we get 'too busy'.
I strongly believe that daily meditations (with or without a mala), can help us to return our awareness to the most important part of life, yourself.
To quote the book "The Magic Mala",
'[That was] how I got sick, not why I got sick. I allowed myself to sick because I had forgotten why I needed to be healthy.'
Take five minutes today to consider why you need to be healthy. Can you go to work unhealthy? Sure, but for how long? Can you be happy when you're unhealthy? Sure, some days. Can you attract the things you want in life while you're unhealthy? What about the people you want in your life?
Today, I challenge you to a 30 Day Mala Meditation Challenge. I know it changed my life, let's see if it can help to change yours!
As always, message me any time you want to chat about any of this. I love to chat about meditating and manifesting, and how my life changed when I started to spend less time being 'too busy' and more time being me.
- Ashley Wilson
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